Come Together

The Spire, your community hub in the heart of Poole Town

 The Spire - the building

A multi-purpose community venue in the heart of Poole.

Rooms available for meetings, training, charity work, health, arts and all kinds of local groups. 
Find out more

Poole Methodiststhe church

A welcoming, outward looking Christian community.  Owners and enablers of The Spire. 
Find out more

Rev Betto Viana:
01202 299 457

Wesley's - the cafe

A vibrant community cafe with a large play area, a warm welcome and  food freshly-made on the premises.

Visit us on Facebook

01202 682 868

"Come as you are, all are welcome"

O God, make our doors wide enough to receive all those who seek peace, love and friendship-yet narrow enough to squeeze out envy and pride.

Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to anyone or a barrier to anyone with disabilities

Let its doors be open and inviting to all, and may its walls resound with praise and the challenge to live the Way of Christ.

May we leave as brothers and sisters-together striving after God’s kingdom of peace, justice and love in the world.

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